Compute PROactive monitor-based physical activity score for C-PPAC tool
This function computes the PROactive activity score based on the daily median or mean of step count or vector magnitude unit (in counts/min) obtained using an ActiGraph accelerometer.
- x
A numeric value that should be the daily median or the daily mean of step count or vector magnitude unit following a measurement of physical activity; see Gimeno-Santos et al. (2015, online supplement, p.71, doi: 10.1183/09031936.00183014) and Garcia-Aymerich et al. (2021, supplemental material, p.17; doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-214554).
- quest
A character value to indicate for which PROactive questionnaire a score of the amount of physical activity should be computed.
- metric
A character value to indicate the metric for which the PROactive score should be obtained.
- fun
A character value to indicate if the metric used in the function is the median or the mean of the results obtained each day of the measurement.